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Space to Fill
For our one year anniversary let’s have a baby
show him some caves, a sling
a worm. I must not be listening
because I have a poor sense for what you think
about what I’ve said. Hi to my grandpa, long dead. To a bee
washing its face fuzz. I owe you a beer.
Linnea Ogden
Linnea Ogden's writing has appeared most recently in Typo, realpoetik, DIAGRAM and Unswept. She is a high school English teacher in San Francisco.
I always wanted to be a biologist in a movie
under the surface
of the apparently known.
It used to be my work to look
for upside-down or broken metal letters.
I want to know
if it’s possible for everyone
to keep doing what they do and do more of it.
In five years for instance I see myself making dinner.
Small Talk
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